¥7,50 - ¥14,80
2 miếng
Khoảng giá sản phẩm tương ứng sàn TMĐT nội địa


Creative Transparent Wooden Frame Hydroponic Plant Vase Desktop Freshness Container Living Room Modern Decorative Ornament
Đã bán 4.5k miếng trong 90 ngày
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Thông tin chi tiết
  • Creative Design:The product features a unique and creative design, combining transparent wood shelves with potted plants, adding a touch of freshness to any room.
  • Versatile Decor:This piece is perfect for modern decoration, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your living room, office, or any other space.
  • Transparent Wood Material:Made from high-quality transparent wood, this product exudes a natural beauty that is both stylish and environmentally friendly.
  • Versatile Use:Not just a flower vase, this product can also serve as a small clear container, adding versatility to its use.
  • Easy to Maintain:The transparent wood shelves are easy to clean, making this product low-maintenance and perfect for those who appreciate beauty without the hassle of upkeep.
  • Compact Size:Its compact size makes it an ideal addition to any space, providing a touch of elegance without being overly invasive.