¥5,20 - ¥10,90
1 cái
Child Safety Collision Avoidance Suit Protective Bar For Baby Table Corners Windows Coffee Table Anti-collision Bar
Đã bán 42.1k cái trong 90 ngày
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Thông tin chi tiết
  • Enhanced Protection:This upgraded anti-collision bar provides superior protection for your children, reducing the risk of injuries in home environments.
  • W-Shape Design:The W-shape design of this bar offers a wider coverage, providing more comprehensive protection against potential accidents.
  • Easy Installation:This bar is designed for easy installation, eliminating the need for professional help, making it convenient for all parents to ensure their children's safety.
  • Versatile Use:This bar is not only suitable for children but also can be used as a wall angle guard, enhancing the safety of your home.
  • Durable Material:Made from high-quality materials, this bar is durable and long-lasting, ensuring continuous protection for your loved ones.
  • Compact Size:Its compact size ensures it does not interfere with normal activities, maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your home while providing safety.